There’s nothing like a sun-ripened tomato or a crisp leaf of fresh basil. With careful planning and a little luck, you can grow your own vegetables in any zone or climate.
The health of your veggies depends on good soil, so get started by testing your existing nutrient levels with a kit and mixing in compost or organic matter. Stagger your planting times and resow veggie seeds every couple of weeks to extend the harvest season.
Doug Creamer: Gardening and mom
Published 12:00 am Saturday, May 20, 2023
By Doug Creamer
It’s been a busy spring but I finally got things going in my vegetable garden. I needed to amend the soil and work on my fences around the garden. One fence was working well against the deer but needed to be lowered to help keep the rabbits out. The other fence was a plastic mesh that the rabbits were making holes in to access the food I planted for them. I replaced that fence with a metal one in hopes of keeping those pesky rabbits out.
A number of years back I switched to raised beds for the vegetables. My beds were getting depleted of soil. I wanted to get a dump truck of soil but it didn’t work out for this year. I got a variety of soil additives which I mixed into the beds. I have most of my garden in with a few exceptions. I feel hopeful and upbeat about the chances of a good harvest.
My love for gardening was birthed many years ago. My mother has always enjoyed making things grow and she shared her passion with me. She taught me to work the soil, to plant the seeds or transplants, and to water the garden. I know she tried to instill in me the importance of weeding, but that particular aspect of gardening didn’t take hold.
Mom has always been a champion of neglected plants. She loves to nurture them and revive them to their former glory. My mom loves to see things grow and she loves a variety of different plants all growing together. She sometimes forgets the names of her flowers but never fails to make them grow and bloom.
Wherever my mother lives she makes things grow in her flowerbeds. Mom loves to get things growing in the front of her house and the backyard, too. She doesn’t limit herself to growing plants in the ground. She has plenty of things growing in pots, as well. She is also willing to share if you see something you like. Just point at something and say you like it and the next time you come around she will have a baby started in a pot for you.
Mom isn’t limited to growing flowers. She loves vegetable gardening, too. She often wants to compete with me and see if she can get things going sooner. She almost always beats me in getting the first tomato or squash. I do remind her that she has more time to get things going since I still work, but she doesn’t allow that to stop her from teasing me.
When it comes to sharing, my mom doesn’t stop at flowers and vegetables. My Mom is quick to share her faith with you. Mom has always had a strong belief in God and has allowed that to infect every area of her life. Mom taught me how to draw closer to the Creator while I was working out in the yard. I have learned to expand that to include anytime I find myself outside, including gardening, walking, sitting on the porch, and especially, walking the beach.
We all need to take a page out of Mom’s book and learn how to pass along our faith. I know it isn’t as easy as passing along a flower or plant, but it doesn’t have to be a daunting task. When we allow faith to infect every area of our lives and we invite God to join us in our daily lives it becomes easier to share Him with others.
Sometimes what we share might be an encouraging word to a brother or sister in Christ. God has given each of us the ability to lift each other up when life gets us down. Other times God will open the door for us to share the reason we live with hope. People who do not know God or His goodness look at how dark the world feels and wonder about the source of our positive outlook on life. They need to hear our story, our reason for hope in darkness. They need us to share Jesus.
I want to encourage you to share your faith with others in your life. Whether it is an encouraging word or your favorite scripture, those words will offer life and hope to those in need. God chooses to use people like you and me, people who are broken and don’t have it all figured out, to bring light and hope to those who are lost. When you step out and share you are helping other people grow their gardens of faith, their flowers of hope.
Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041 or
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