Seeds, Fertilizer, Varieties, Spring, Fall
Liatris are genus of perennial plants with beautiful blooms in shades of purple, pink and white. They attract pollinators and are good for wildflower gardens.
Marigolds are easy to grow and come in a wide range of colors. They have many symbolic meanings and are a favorite of kids.

What makes this chrysanthemum so dangerous? It’s all in the DNA. It contains pyrethrins, naturally occurring pesticides that are used in both organic and chemical pesticides, including foggers, dusts, and sprays. Even though it’s completely natural and not a manufactured poison, it’s still quite harmful, resulting in insects dying and humans having asthma-like reactions.
Pyrethrins can also harm mammals. In studies with mice, they developed cancer after being given high doses of it for about two years. Though this discovery is quite concerning, it likely won’t happen if you have chrysanthemums scattered throughout your property. The doses were potent and served daily; pyrethrin isn’t that powerful when the mums remain intact. Plus, mice don’t like the smell of these pretty flowers, so you don’t have to worry about giving life-ending diseases to neighborhood mice. You should still ensure kids and pets don’t have access to the flowers, though, especially if they’re adventurous and like to taste everything.
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