The fall and winter are great times to get all the tools you need for your homestead. These include things like fence post drivers (which are way easier than digging holes for posts!).
Some states also offer homestead exemptions which can protect you from certain types of debt (such as property taxes). This isn’t the same as forced sale immunity, but it is a step in the right direction.

Program designed to introduce homeowners to backyard farming
Fruits and vegetables can be grown in backyard gardens. A July 25 workshop in Georgetown will show participants how to maintain their own backyard farms and to market their produce. (Texas A&M AgriLife photo by Laura McKenzie)
GEORGETOWN, Texas — The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, in partnership with Lone Star Ag Credit, will be hosting the “You Can Farm” backyard farming and homesteading workshop on July 25 at the AgriLife Extension office in Williamson County, 100 Wilco Way, Georgetown.
The workshop will be from 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. with check-in beginning at 8:30 a.m. The cost is $30, and registration can be done online at or by calling the AgriLife Extension office at 512-943-3300.
There will be refreshments and a drawing. Lunch will be provided.
The workshop is designed to help introduce basic homesteading practices. During the program, presenters will introduce people to the basics of backyard gardening and homesteading and will be sharing funding options and ideas on marketing products.
Workshop topics
There will be a variety of topics on backyard farming and homesteading covered during the workshop, including the following:
- Keeping Backyard Poultry and Egg Production Basics
- Intro into Beekeeping
- Starting a Raised-Bed Garden
- Exploring Steps for Obtaining a Micro Loan
- Land Loan Options for Your Piece of Texas
Participants will also learn how to use social media to reach new markets with their products and learn how to gain knowledge on improving brand awareness in the surrounding communities where they live.
For more information, call the AgriLife Extension office in Williamson County at 512-943-3300 or visit the website at
–Rob Williams
Texas A&M AgriLife Communications
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