Popular Flower Types
Whether it’s for bouquets or the garden, these colorful flowers are well-loved and easy to grow. From beginner plants to varieties that the pros use, there’s something for every level of gardener.
Orchids like phalaenopsis, dendrobium and cymbidium symbolize health, wisdom, beauty and love. They are best started from seed in fall and need cool conditions to grow.
Liz Murken and Anne Gratton, certified flower show judges and Wisconsin Garden Club Federation members, gave a presentation to the Waushara Gardeners on creating flower arrangements and prepping for a flower show using National Gardening Club guidelines. The Waushara Gardeners will be hosting a standard flower show at the World War II Veterans Memorial Building in Wautoma on Saturday, Sept. 16. The entries will be available for public viewing from Noon to 4 p.m. Liz (left) and Anne pose with three of the examples created for the presentation.
Source: wausharaargus.com
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