If you’ve been wanting to grow your own veggies, start with easy-to-grow crops like courgettes, beans and potatoes. These vegetables don’t require much space, but do need a little hands-on care and attention every day.
Vegetables need rich, well-draining soil. If possible, amend the site with compost and/or council green waste before planting.
Even though summer started this week, planning begins for a fall vegetable garden. Take advantage of gardening techniques and the growing conditions needed by vegetable crops to extend the gardening season.
One gardening technique is to plant continuously, which is called succession planting. The seeds or transplants of a vegetable are planted every two to three weeks. There is time to plant more warm-season vegetables. Remember that warm-season vegetables are killed by frost. For example, more plantings can be made of tomato and eggplant transplants until July 1; cucumbers, sweet corn and pepper transplants until July 15; snap beans until August 1; and summer squash such as zucchini and yellow straight neck until August 15. You may want to try early maturing varieties to enjoy more produce before the average first killing frost, which is around October 20 for our area.
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