Popular Flower Types
Visiting the plant nursery can be overwhelming, but there are plenty of flowers and plants that will add bright and colorful blooms to your garden. These eye-catching varieties are great for beginners.
Yarrow has cheerful blooms that will keep your garden bright from spring to fall. Liatris produces long stems of showy flowers in shades of purple, pink, and white.

Since fall is the best time to plant trees and shrubs, I want to give a shoutout to the Temple of Bloom seven-son flower.
This small tree is like the proverbial tree of life. Every pollinator in the neighborhood will find it and hang out, as will those creatures that hunt pollinators. It is like a miniature version of the Serengeti. It has been hard for The Garden Guy to take the camera and binoculars and go indoors for fear of missing some action-packed moments.
It is known botanically as Heptacodium miconioides, and you will find it in the Caprifoliaceae or honeysuckle family.
Fear not: It is not the least bit invasive, and remember, it is a shrub or small tree.
One of the unique aspects of the Heptacodium genus is there are no other species, just the miconioides.
The thousands of white blossoms produced in late summer do impart a tantalizing fragrance.
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A rare horticultural event takes place once the petals fall. The Missouri Botanical Garden describes it like this: “Flowers are followed in the fall by an equally showy (if not showier) display: small purplish-red fruits crowned by very showy rose-pink calyces, which elongate after bloom and last into fall.”
The fall display looks much more red than pink to me, but perhaps it’s determined by climatic conditions.
If all that weren’t enough, consider that it has attractive gray winter bark that exfoliates to reveal showy tan/brown inner bark.
The tree is fountain-shaped, and the leaves, which don’t get talked about enough, stand out by offering a one-of-a-kind texture when compared with other small trees in the landscape.
They typically reach 10 to 20 feet tall and half as wide. I’m in my third year, and it has now topped my 8-foot fence. This is also my most noteworthy bloom. My goal is to develop a multi-trunk tree via selective pruning.
It is hard to believe that such a tree is recommended over such a wide region from zones 5 to 9, tolerant of various soils and sunlight.
Expect best blooming, however, in full sun. Blooming occurs on new wood, so there is minimal worry about loss. If you do prune, do so in late winter or very early spring.
As I said, the butterfly watching has been wonderful, to say the least, with various hairstreaks, skippers, monarchs and swallowtails.
I had a most unique experience the other night. Returning home from a restaurant and traversing up the driveway, the headlights illuminated an eastern tiger swallowtail as it was feeding on the flowers. I grabbed the camera and opened the flash just to see if I could do it, and the answer was yes indeed.
You will also need to keep the camera handy, as the flowers are loved by hummingbirds. The next shocker is the number of species of both bees and wasps. I assure you it is more than you knew even existed.
While you might think this poses some danger to you or the children, you will notice they have one thing on their mind, and it is hitting on the blooms.
The Garden Guy is realizing he needs an entomology refresher for sure to take his butterfly, bee and wasp identification up a couple of notches. All this makes the Temple of Bloom or seven-son flower the tree of life and simply remarkable.
Follow Norman Winter on Facebook @NormanWinterTheGardenGuy.
Source: herald-review.com
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