The Michigan Senate declared Saturday, June 8, as a day to encourage residents to beautify their homes with Michigan-grown flowers.
The Michigan Floriculture Growers Council has worked with Michigan Senator Schuitmaker to sponsor Senate Resolution No. 66 that recognizes June 8, 2013, as “Michigan Flower Planting Day.” This is a day to encourage residents to beautify their yards and patios with flowers to improve “the great appearance of our state and the quality of life for gardeners and their neighbors” and to support Michigan’s vibrant floriculture industry.
The resolution also recognizes the importance of agriculture to Michigan’s economy and specifically notes that Michigan is the third largest producing state of floriculture crops. According to the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service, Michigan was the leader in the production of propagative floriculture material ($78.4 million wholesale) in 2012. Growers in the state also produced the second most valuable crop of annual bedding plants ($201.7 million) and herbaceous perennials ($52.3 million). Michigan led the nation in value of sales for 10 floriculture crop segments: flats of begonias and impatiens; hanging baskets of begonias, geraniums (vegetative) and petunias; potted seed geraniums, petunias and Easter lilies; and transplants of bedding plants and herbaceous perennials. Michigan growers also produced the second-most valuable crop in nine other market segments.
Contact the Michigan Floriculture Growers Council for more information.
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