Homesteading is about living a more self-sufficient lifestyle. It involves growing your own food, raising animals and finding low-cost ways to reduce or eliminate waste.
The first step is to figure out what you want from your homestead. Decide if you want to raise vegetables, fruits, livestock or both.
Friday, April 21, 2023 – The Federal Trade Commission has been tracking scams that have cost Americans nearly $8.8 Billion in 2022 alone, finding thatImpersonator Scams ranked as the top fraud in the last year, especially in North Dakota. We visit with Claire Stewart from the Midwest regional office of the FTC. ~~~ The Germans from Russia Heritage Collection at NDSU recently unveiled a new traveling exhibit called “Building Life and Home on the Prairie: German Russia Homesteads of North Dakota. Our Bill Thomas attended the opening. ~~~ In another episode of Poetry from Studio 47, Patrick Hicks profiles poet Bill Holm. ~~~ Matt Olien reviews “Renfield,” a Dracula flick with Nicholas Cage as Dracula.
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