Starting A Vegetable Garden
Most vegetables need a good supply of sun, soil, and water. If you have limited space, grow vegetables that require minimal effort to harvest, such as lettuce.
Choose seeds that are appropriate for your zone. Many vegetables have specific growing and ripening requirements, so read the seed packet to find out when to sow. Water new seeds and seedlings daily until established.
You’re probably wondering how sticking forks in the ground deters squirrels, rabbits, and other woodland creatures from hanging out in your vegetable garden. For starters, animals will confuse the forks as predators and stay as far away from them as possible. To them, no carrot is worth being attacked by a vicious predator. If the animals do try their luck in the garden, they’ll quickly learn it’s a dangerous place with pokey things that could stick them. All it takes is one stab to the foot, and that squirrel is gone for good.
The biggest reason animals are put off by plastic forks is because they can detect human scent on the utensils. They know to steer clear of whatever it is that’s emitting our odor because it means a larger predator is nearby. Combine all of these factors together, and you get a pest-free garden. In the event the forks happen to break, it costs next to nothing to replace them.
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