Seeds, Fertilizer, Varieties, Spring, Summer, Fall
Flowers come in many shapes, sizes and colors. Understanding when they bloom and their symbolism can help you design a garden or pick the perfect bouquet for an occasion.
Irises are known for their bold colors and symbolize power, faith and hope. They also make gorgeous gifts for someone special.
President Karen Cook called the meeting to order in the social hall of St. John’s Church. Karen thanked the hostesses Donna Walton, Marty Heinold, Linda Crispin, Deb Barowsky and Janet Linton.
Following a prayer, the club enjoyed delicious refreshments that were provided by the hostesses. A beautiful dinner plate Dahlia grown by Ruth Hallett was the center piece.
Jamie Smith from Fall Creek Flower Farm presented an informative program.
Smith has participated in the local farmers market for 19 years. She also has produce and flowers available at Yountsville by the church, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wednesdays and Saturdays.
Smith stated that every year is a learning experience. She is always planting new varieties of flowers and vegetables. In the past years, she has visited numerous flower farms. Her farm is a small scale growing area, so Smith plants 600 lily bulbs in 25-30 crates. She uses succession planting. She told us about her experiences planting, caring for and drying numerous varieties of flowers and plants.
Several tips and suggestions for growing flowers and making flower arrangements:
• Clean tools and vessels with water and a drop of bleach.
• Flowers dry better upside down.
• Zinnias are a big crop for every year. They are easy to grow. Favorites are State Fair Mix and Queen Series.
• Dig Gladiolus in the fall, refrigerate over the winter, and plant in the spring.
• Baptisia or Blue False Indigo makes a good filler in flower arrangements.
• Eucalyptus grows well in the hot sun. Difficult to get seeds last year due to fire in Australia. Need to get the seeds early.
• You can start hydrangea from cuttings using rooting compound (stimulates root growth).
• Many varieties of sunflowers are available. Sunflowers make great flower arrangements.
• Smith likes using cutting petunias, explosion grass and pin cushion flower.
• An interesting filler for flower arrangements is Pumpkin on a Stick.
• She suggested ordering a free Johnny’s seed catalog.
Twenty-nine members responded to roll call. The minutes from the July meeting were read as corrected.
Happy birthday wishes were given to members with a birthday in August.
Smith reported that she heard about two top rated gardens that are located in Indiana. Dolly’s Farm Gardens in Franklin and P and D Flower Farm near Indianapolis.
The several amazing garden stones made by B.J. Perry were shown to the members.
Janet Hook introduced her guest, Julie Bordenkecher.
Treasurer Lana Presslor presented the financial report.
It was reported that the monetary gift from the city was invested in a CD at HHSB for a year.
The bylaws will be updated to state that a determined amount will be added to the budget for an annual expenditure for beautification of Crawfordsville.
Maribeth Kussmaul, chair of the nominating committee, reported for the committee of Marty Heinold and Teresa Huxhold. She requested that anyone interested in being an officer for next year to contact them.
Terri Trinkle, co-chair for the downtown flower pots, reported that the pots look beautiful. She reminded everyone to keep the pots watered in this hot weather.
A follow-up meeting for the Garden Walk will be scheduled at a later date.
The next meeting Sept. 6 is a trip to Coxhall Gardens in Carmel. Members and guests will meet at Big Lots parking lot at 9:45 a.m. to carpool. We will eat lunch first at the Charleston Restaurant in Carmel. Hostesses are Hook, Jan Carpenter, Jan Stout and Heidi Gobreski.
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