MADISON – Many people have considered planting a vegetable garden for fresh produce. However, knowing the important steps in planting and tending to vegetables can be a test.
For advice about a garden, Master Gardeners of North Alabama Inc. will present “Newcomers and Beginners — Vegetable Gardening Series” in February. A session on each Tuesday can offer answers to a healthy garden with a bountiful yield.
Madison Public Library will host the sessions from 10:30 a.m. to noon on Feb. 6, 13, 20 and 27.
“We will give you the tools and knowledge needed in this four-part series all about growing plants you can eat. You can attend one or attend them all. This series is free and open to the public,” according to the Master Gardeners’ announcement.
The Newcomer and Beginner Vegetable Gardening Series will begin on Feb. 6 with the program, “Starting a Vegetable Garden.” Jayne Luetzow will be the facilitator. Luetzow works as Home Grounds Regional Extension Agent with the Alabama Cooperative Extension System or ACES.
“Seed Starting and Soil Test (What, When and How)” will be the topic for discussion by Allyson Shabel, ACES Urban Regional Extension Agent. The session is scheduled for Feb. 13.
On Feb. 20, the presenter will be Lilly Oaks, ACES Regional Extension Agent. Oaks will explain “Maintaining the Garden — Insect and Disease Control.”
The subject of discussion on Feb. 27 will be “Food Preservation – Food Safety and Quality.” Christy Mendoza, ACES Regional Extension Agent, will serve as facilitator.
Participants do not need to pre-register. The venue is large enough to accommodate a sizable class.
Individuals who cannot attend the sessions can access material online about vegetable gardening from the Alabama Cooperative Extension System. Visit aces.edu; in the “Search” box, type the vegetable’s name or gardening procedure that you want to learn about.
For more information, visit aces.edu.
Source: m.themadisonrecord.com
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