The topic that’s got everyone talking at Chelsea: plants that we normally spend hours winkling out from our borders are officially part of this year’s designs – not interlopers that have sprung up unnoticed overnight.
Seeing dandelions among the planting in Cleve West’s garden for the charity Centrepoint, which tackles homelessness among young people, gives us all permission to relax and let their cheerful yellow flowers peep out among the borders – bees love them and they’re an important source of nectar early in the year.
Cleve says: “While our use of so-called weeds, might challenge pre-conceptions of what constitutes perfection in planting and design, my intention is not merely to flout convention but widen our appreciation of nature and broaden the definition of what comes under the umbrella of horticultural excellence. Not everyone will like the garden, but as long as people are talking about it and the work of Centrepoint, then we will have achieved our goal.”
Also spotted in the garden: Jack by the hedge, cleavers, herb Robert and greater celandine.
After the show, elements of the garden including many of the bricks and the herbaceous perennials, will be relocated to a Centrepoint hostel in Ealing, West London.
Centrepoint Garden
Source: countryliving.com
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