Popular Flower Types
Whether your garden is big or small, cottage-style or formal, there are plenty of flowers to enjoy. Find the right seeds, fertilizer and varieties for your climate zone, and you’ll have a garden full of blooms by spring or fall.
Need expert gardening advice? Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences experts will offer consultations in the Yard and Garden Area during Ag Progress Days, Aug. 8-10, according to a release from the college.
Experts include Penn State Extension Master Gardeners, extension educators, and specialists in horticulture, entomology and plant pathology. At the “Ask a Master Gardener” booth, gardening enthusiasts can receive advice from Master Gardeners from across the state, get information about the spotted lanternfly, and learn about the Pennsylvania Pollinator-Friendly Habitat Certification program, which enables homeowners and gardeners to certify their landscapes as pollinator friendly.
Source: gettysburgtimes.com
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