About Popular Flower Types
Seeds and fertilizer are the key to growing these beautiful blooms. They’re a favorite with gardeners, especially in springtime.
Orchids mean thoughtfulness, refinement, fertility, beauty and charm. Depending on the color, each orchid variety has its own special meaning.
DAVIDSON COUNTY, N.C. (WGHP) — Jimmy Speas gets a lot of attention this time of year for his dahlias.
“They get a lot of attention,” said Jimmy, who started planting the blooming flowers with his wife Denise eight years ago. “They take some work. You can’t just plant them and walk away and come back with your vase and pruners. You have to do some work.”
He has 150 varieties. Some of them go to florists, but he donates most of them.
“It’s usually to give away,” he said. “We love doing that.”
To enjoy the beauty now, you start back in the spring when Jimmy first started with sprouts.
“Some will start blooming in June,” said Jimmy as he started cutting them. “The blooms can get as big as a dinner plate in cooler climates.”
Source: wnct.com
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